María Eugenia Piacentini (Buenos Aires, 1981), autodidacta desde muy pequeña, siente la necesidad vital de crear sin límites de tiempo, fascinada por materializar algo que antes no existía, que solo estaba en su mente. Se formó adicionalmente en Artes Aplicadas a la Escultura en la Escuela de Arte La Palma de Madrid y en la Escuela de Cerámica Francisco Alcántara, tras aprender y trabajar disciplinas como la caracterización y efectos especiales en Teatro y Cine.
Ha expuesto de forma individual y colectiva en Mallorca, Madrid, Teruel, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Ourense, Roma, Miami, París, Zúrich, Singapur, Coburgo y Múnich.
El arte nos despierta de un sueño profundo, arrojándonos libres y conscientes a un mundo que normalmente aparenta no serlo.
Con fuerte influencia de Carl Jung, Josep Campbell y las ensoñaciones del surrealismo, decido utilizar detalladamente la cerámica porque la reconozco espontánea y fiel, dejando fluir a la obra por sí sola, quizás persiguiendo o confesando dudas existenciales.
Este gesto revela un hito cultural y social por el que se manifiesta el subconsciente y aquel mundo de las ideas o las expresiones mágicas que compartimos todos en esa nube inconsciente. La realidad me habla con sincronicidades y sueños significativos, tentándome a buscar más allá a través de mi obra. Mi enfoque de realismo y expresión profunda en el gesto en la forma es la osadía con que intento impresionar a mi público y despertarlo de su sueño.
María Eugenia Piacentini (Buenos Aires, 1981) self-taught from a very young age, she feels a deep need to create and discover delight timelessly within infinite space, fascinated in her pursuit to produce something that never existed before, something that only dwelled in her mind. She later received formal training in Applied Arts in Sculpture at the La Palma Art School in Madrid and the Francisco Alcántara School of Ceramics, after learning and working in disciplines such as special effects/prosthetic makeup for theater and movies.
She has exhibited both in solo and group shows in Mallorca, Madrid, Teruel, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Ourense, Rome, Miami, Paris, Zurich, Singapore, Coburg, and Munich.
Art shocks us awake from a deep sleep, hurling us free and conscious in a world that normally doesn’t seem to be so.
Drawing on the influences of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and the dreamscapes of surrealism, I forge my unique style of sculpting the clay in great detail. I feel connected with this spontaneous and faithful medium that allows each work to speak for itself, perhaps in a quest or admitting existential doubts.
This expressivity reveals a cultural and social breakthrough by which the subconscious and the world of ideas and magical expressions that we all share in this unconscious cloud are manifested. Reality speaks to me through synchronicities and meaningful dreams, tempting me to seek beyond by bringing them into my work.
My focus on realism and deep gesture expression through form is the bold way by which I hope to leave a deep impression on my viewers and wake them up from their dream.
Entrevista/Interview: https://www.artmajeur.com/es/magazine/8-retratos-de-artistas/maria-eugenia-piacentini-veron-solo-estaba-en-mi-mente/333583
* Private atelier. Projects in porcelain, ceramic and mixed media (wood, metal, recycled materiales, Alcúdia, Mallorca, Balearic Islands.
* Private workshop. Private projects in porcelain, ceramic and mixed media (wood, metal, recycled materials). Munich, Germany.
* Magicon Company (www.magicon.de): sculptor at TRADINNO project (18-meter-long animatronics dragon for famous theatre show) Munich, Germany. http://www.drachenstich.de
* Shared workshop. Sculpting,drawing, stone and woodcarving, moulding. New materials, Madrid, Spain.
* Characters for advertising (Renault) for an Advertising Agency Publicis Lado C, Madrid, Spain.
* Participation at Fira Enfangat ’07 in Girona, Ceramic Art Fair, Girona, Spain.
* Creation of comic characters in resine clay for Astro City Comic Club, Madrid, Spain.
* FX makeup at movie premiere, Cine Alcorcón, Madrid. Spain.
* FX make up in short and long films (Spanish-argentinian, Basque-argentinian productions), Madrid, Spain.
* Fx make up for costume special events, Madrid, Spain.
* Creation of characters in resine clay, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* 3D Studio Max sculpting and Z-Brush at Image Campus School, Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Watercolor techniques at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Japanese Sumi-e technique by Tomas Yamada,Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Wax modeling, casting,carving techniques and formulas by Luis Basualdo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
* High-technique plaster and silicon moulding by Demartini, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Fashion design with Vicky Otero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Figure modeling specialized in human anatomy by Diego de Sancho, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* High-performance fx make up and prosthesis by Alex Mathews (trained by Dick Smith), Buenos Aires,Argentina
* Animatronics techniques by Diego de Sancho, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Hair-punching techniques with Marcos Kettmayer, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Make-up for theatre at Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas by Eugenia Mosteiro, Buenos Aires,Argentina.
* Jewelry in silver by Juan Vellavsky.
* Hiperrealistic sculptures and characters at FX Primera Escuela Argentina de Efectos Especiales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Props, stage decorations at I.E. Saulo Benavente by Leonardo Marroco (trained by the Teatro Colón), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Glass fusing, tiffany,stained glass artwork by Mila Wertheimer, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Glass scultpures: casting,Argy-Russeau tecniques by Carlos Herzberg, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* One-year high degree in Artistic Ceramics at Escuela de Cerámica Francisco de Alcántara, Madrid, Spain.
* Two-year high degree in Applied Arts in Sculpture, Escuela de Arte La Palma, Madrid, Spain.
* Fx make-up training at Escuela de Fotografía Keltia, Madrid, Spain.
* Special effects workshop at Fundación Universidad del Cine, Centro Cultural Recoleta (Cultural Center),Buenos Aires, Argentina.