Primicia! primera gota de agua deja su impronta y empieza a hacer preguntas.
Breaking news! First waterdrop leaves its print and starts asking questions.

Hola! Hello! Salut! Hallo! Ciao! Hej! Moin Moin! Konnichi wa! Namaste! Olá! Shalom! Aloha! Dobrý deň! Helo! Minjhani! Marhabah! Ni Hao! Merhaba! Chao! Kumusta Ka! Saluton! Selamat Pagi! Namaskar! Cześć! Jo napot! Dobry rano! Moi / Hei! Góðan dag! Haj! Moïen! Privet!

We think we can recycle the Earth, but the truth is that we should let it recycle itself, or it will be the Earth that shall recycle us.

It seems like he has taken a liking to our survival instinct.
Are we comfortable just being at home?

¿Estamos viralizando lo bueno más allá del instinto de supervivencia?
Are we viralizing the good beyond our survival instinct?

Now what? Which will be stronger? The survival instinct of the survival or the reproductive instinct?

¿Encerrados con nuestros deseos internos mientras los deseos externos quedan fuera? ¿Es el deseo del deseo lo que nos hace diferentes de los animales?
Are we actually locked home with our innermost desires while our outer desires remain outside?
Is the desiring desire what makes us different from animals?

¿Estamos dando lo que recibimos y recibiendo lo que damos?
La generosidad nunca ha sido tan contagiosa.
Are we receiving wha we give and giging what we receive?

Excuse me...
Are you happy?

What if all this were actually a biological or germ warfare? Shouldn't this new virus be considered to bring just a message of Peace and Symbiosis?

...until we unite Heaven and Earth...
¿Hacemos un Picnic de Generosidad esta vez?
Shall we have a Kindness Picnic this time?
Llama a un amigo/Call a friend
Cuida a tu familia/Care for your family
Se amable/Be kind
Lava tus manos/Wash your hands
Envía una postal/Send a postcard
Juega con tu mascota/Play with your pet
Ayuda a los vulnerables/Help the vulnerable
Presta sueños/Lend dreams
Dona alimentos/Donate food
Aplaude a profesionales médicos/Applause healthcare workers
Escribe cartas/Write letters
Cocina para los vecinos/Cook for neighbours
Dona tiempo/ Donate time
Ofrece comida para llevar/Offer take-away meals
Haz la compra para los mayores/Collect groceries for the elderly
Dona sonrisas/Donate smiles
Crea entretenimiento gratuito online/Produce free online entertainment
Expresa cuánto amas a alguien/Tell someone how much you love him/her.
Habla con tus ojos/Speak with your eyes.

May I finally say that there is something equalising us all?

Good for you checking the Virus's pulse, but how can we check the pulse of this new society?

x = Vida - Tierra
x + Earth = Life
x = Life - Earth
Let's toast with a glass of water today The Earth Day!

Yo, Pomela haciendo rodeo en el agua.
It's me, Pomela, riding rodeo in water.

Yo aquí, leyendo un libro hago mi propia historia y no espero a que me la cuenten. ¡Feliz Día Internacional del Libro!
Here I am, reading a book and creating my own story and not expecting anyone else to create it for me.
Happy World Book Day!

Now what? without hairdresser shops?
- Well, why don't you just let the wind comb your hair?
Texto/Text: Soleil (niña de 3años /3 years old girl)

¿La historia se repite a sí misma?
History repeats itself?

@pomeladrop - If the cherries will not come to the unemployed, then shall the unemployed go to the cherries?
1 Mayo: Día Internacional del Trabajador
1st May: International Workers' Day

- ¿Qué hora es?
- Es 4.467 millones de años, con 1 abeja, 3 árboles, 1.000 tablets, 10.000 televisores, 20.000 móviles y miles de seres humanos.
-What time is it?
- It's 4.467 million years, 1 bee, 3 trees, 1,000 tablets, 10,000 TVs, 20,000 cell phones and thousands of human beings.

¿Mascarilla o respirador? - Face mask or ventilator?

-¿Está escaseando?
-¿Es posible que sea porque ahora sabemos cómo utilizarlo?

isn't it time to stay silent in order to observe and listen?

Como los conceptos de tiempo no lineales marean nuestros tiempos verbales, se los digo de otra manera.
Since non-linear time concepts confuse our verbal tenses, I am saying it in another way: - Come on! Come on! the Pizzeria is already closed but if you exceed speed of light you will arrive just before it closes!

- ¡Ehh! Ya no seremos los mismos, ¿no?
Will it be that by leashing this disorder we are limiting our possibilities of unleashing order?

Watering a social desertification?

Let’s see...put face of a pepperoni...

- Please queue up to tell me who I am.

Since doing tourism is now limited, I travelled to this Dalí 's painting.

@pomeladrop - Is it also important to learn reading between clouds?

Este mensaje se autodestruirá en algún momento...
- Who said that destruction does not include creation?
This message will self-destruct sometime...

@pomeladrop - Oh! look at that horizon! What is it?

I went to the cinema today and did not pay for the ticket...

¿Más animales toman las calles?
More animals have taken the streets?
@pomeladrop apoya el tráfico legal de animales en nuestras calles durante y después del corona virus.
@pomeladrop supports legal animal traffic in our streets during and after coronavirus time.
Paremos este tráfico ilegal de animales y lideremos el camino hacia este nuevo tráfico legal de animales en nuestras calles y en cada ecosistema al que pertenecen.
Stop ilegal animal traffic and lead the way to this new legal animal traffic in our streets and in every ecosystem.
Sitio web sobre este tema / Website on this subject: https://es.weforum.org/agenda/2017/07/el-trafico-ilegal-de-animales-en-cifras/

La vida es movimiento, ¡dale cuerda!
Life is movement, Wind it up!

Cada día es el Día Mundial del Medioambiente.
Every day is the World's Environment Day.

La soledad está bien, pero necesitas que alguien te diga que la soledad está bien.
Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.

Blanco o negro, al final convergen y divergen del mismo punto.
Black or white, at the end these converge into and diverge from the same point.

-What is this robot doing?
- It is working!
@pomeladrop - The day robots naturally feel like making such a gesture, will we consider our humanity as a gesture?
- Do you mean to reset our humanity?

-Would this Selfie exist if I wasn't here to observe it?

Shall we make the right question?

-What is it that it seems to be chaos?
-It seems a new order originating from that chaos!
@pomeladrop - It will be Reality itself that repeats infinitely at a large and a small scale!
-Ah! just like the entire Universe!
-Then, I won't be so worried about breaking something!

What a nice painting of Miró!
- I want a Selfie with this background!
@pomeladrop -Shhh! It's a silent party full of organisms within a single salt water drop.

- What we do not say through our masks now we say it through our corona masks?

-Venetian corona masks to say it all!
-Oh! is that to say what I don't dare to say?
Pomela info:
La máscara es a su vez una representación cargada de intenciones y simbolismos, convertidos en arquetipos que son parte del inconsciente colectivo e individual y representan los temores y aspiraciones de una civilización.
Masks are representations full of intentions and symbolism, becoming archetypes, which are part of the collective and individual unconscious. They also embody desires and fears within a civilization.

-And one day you find the door to your dreams.
- But you realize that you left the keys together with those of the house, the car, the yacht, of that, that, that...