©Bicho azul, 2010
Ceramic and glaze.

Film dummy Jar-Jar Binx, 2009
Latex, oil paints and resin.

Film dummy, 2009.
Resin, oil paints

Animatronics, 2009
Latex, oil paints and resin.

Animatronics, 2010
Stormtrooper, 1997
Putty resin
Yoda, 1995
Sculpt putty and acrylic paints

©Sonrisa de cemento / Concrete smile), 2009
Una sonrisa, capaz de petrificar un momento.
Cemento directo. 18 x 12 x 9cm
A smile capable of petrifying a moment.
Concrete(direct modelling). 18 x 12 x 9cm

Fieltro / Felt

Stop motion character
Modelling clay
Stop motion animation "The Hug", 2022
for Pomela, the waterdrop